Innovations in Farming Practices to Improve Food Security

Innovations in Farming Practices to Improve Food Security

By 2030, there will be 8.6 billion people on the planet. A decreasing and finite amount of natural resources comes with risk to the livelihoods of billions of people who work throughout the agricultural value chain. 


The difficulty we face is unparalleled. We will need cutting-edge techniques and methods in farming to improve food security

Innovations in Farming Practices to Improve Food Security


In this phase, genetic resources are protected and employed to raise the standard and production of domesticated plants in the long run. Additionally, it covers advancements in agricultural inputs like crop protection and fertilizer. These can increase revenues and yields while deterring the conversion of additional land to agriculture. 


Pre-production also includes improvements to farming methods itself to guarantee that farmers can prosper despite climate change and other increasingly unpredictable situations.

Increase the Crop Genetic Diversity

Fewer than 20 plant species provide 90% of the food humans eat, despite the fact that over 200,000 of them are suitable for human consumption. Diversifying crop production can result in more nutrient-dense meals, and preserving this genetic variety will aid in breeding projects in the future that addresses various problems.

Using Fertilizers Precisely

Farmers are given a call to utilize fertilizers with greater efficiency and precisely in response to rising food shortages and climatic stresses. As part of an integrated strategy, fertilizers are crucial for preserving soil health and boosting crop yields.


By employing the Right Nutrient Source, at the Right Rate, in the Right Place, and at the Right Time, as its name implies, the 4R Nutrient Stewardship program encourages the more effective use of fertilizers. Farmers may reap the numerous advantages of fertilizers while minimizing nutrient losses to the environment by using this best practice strategy.



Farmers face a variety of difficulties throughout the “production” stage, including pests and diseases, harsh and unpredictable weather, managing food loss, and shifting market conditions. According to current estimates, 60% more food will be required in the next 20 years; present production efforts fall short of this goal, and despite decades of improvement, hunger levels throughout the world are once again on the rise. 

Growing in Lowlands

Millions of people now lack adequate access to food as a result of recurrent droughts. As they are often more productive than uplands and have greater access to natural water supplies, the region’s lowland valleys are currently being regarded as a possible future food basket for rice farming. Farmers may increase food security by diversifying their sources of supply, utilizing the water resources that are nearby, and managing crop output and long-term production sustainably.

Learning Safe and Sustainable Crop Management

The “climate-smart villages” find essential and quickly deployable practices and technology, such as index-based insurance plans, effective irrigation management systems, and conservation agriculture methods. These are subsequently discussed with nearby farmers in workshops along with additional assistance for adoption.

In order to protect their agricultural businesses and livelihoods and to reduce the effects of pests on crop yields, the farmers acquired sustainable crop management techniques that are safe for use in the next seasons.