You want to start a small farm or maybe expand any existing farm, but you don’t have the capital. Maybe you are looking to add equipment to your small farm but don’t know where to start. Luckily, there are many resources, including small farm grants.
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It may take a little legwork, but you should be able to find money available for your use. Below are the best starting points for your small farm grant research.
Start Local
Check out your
cooperative extension agency in your county. This is the representative in your county that helps you find loans and grants for your farm. This agent will know not only the local grants available, but also the federal any federal and state level assistance you may be able to use.
Not only can this agent tell you what you may apply for, but he/she can also help you through the process. This agent is an invaluable resource and best of all – there’s no charge. The right agent will walk you through each option, letting you know what is required, how long it will take, and give their best guess on your ability to be awarded the money.
Once you exhaust this resource, you can then move onto the others.
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Search the Federal Website will give you a wealth of information. But, you have to have time and patience on your side. With a keyword or two, you can find the current grants that may be available to you. Clicking on each name will give you more details about the project and what you have to do in order to qualify. Be sure to check back on this website often as it is continually updated with new opportunities for funding.
Search the USDA Website
USDA website will also provide you with a variety of resources for small farm grants. Clicking on any of the links on this website will also give you more education on where to find funds and what you need to do to be eligible. Keep checking back on this website as well, as the information is continually updated as new programs become available.
Search the Sustainable Agriculture and Research Website
SARE website provides a variety of resources for farmers as well. You can apply for a grant right on their website, search for grants by state, or gather more educational material to help you fund and run a successful farm. On the SARE website, you are more likely to find community minded grants that are specific to your area.
Using these resources, you can find plenty of grants for your funding opportunities. This can help you get our small farm up and running or help you improve the farm you have. Whether you are a new farmer or you have many years of experience, there is money out there for you. It’s a matter of handling the legwork and doing everything the grant requires in order to qualify for the money.
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