How Beginning Farmers Can Benefit From Agricultural Conferences


Agricultural conferences present farmers with many great opportunities whether in-person or online. They can be a great educational experience, as well as a networking event. Whether you are planning for the upcoming season or you are still trying to get your ducks in a row, attending as many conferences as you can will help you learn the most and help you be a successful farmer.

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A Great Education

Many beginning farmers think that hands-on experience is the way to go, but it’s not always the only way. There are many opportunities to be had at conferences where you can network and sit and listen to experts provide their advice, though. In fact, beginning farmers often learn to grow and be successful even more when they attend these seminars.

A Few of the Great Benefits of Conferences

Aside from the fact that you can rub noses with the experts in the field, conferences pose a great number of other benefits including:

  • Hear about the experiences of others to learn what has been successful as well as things that may not have been as successful. You can use the experience of others to help you avoid the same mistakes.
  • Get new ideas for different farming techniques to try or crops to grow. You may hear about things that you never knew about before.
  • Learn strategies for financial planning for a successful farm.

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Most importantly, it can make you feel like you belong to a team. Farming can be a rather solitary career, especially if you own the farm on your own. Having that camaraderie with fellow farmers can be something that you treasure for many years to come.

Finding the Right Conference

Because conferences cost money, you’ll want to choose the ones you attend carefully. Stop and think about what it is that you want to accomplish by attending. This way you can narrow down the conferences you attend.

For example, beginning farmers can focus on the events that target the types of crops they want to grow or a specific topic they have interest in. Maybe there is a conference specifically for beginning farmers or one that caters to farmers in your specific area of the country. These specifics will help you choose the one that fits your needs the most.

Of course, a big part of any conference is the speaker. Look into who is hosting the event as well as who is speaking at it. Is it someone that you will benefit from listening to? Are they covering a topic that you will understand and can use in your business?

Most importantly, though as a beginning farmer, you should use this opportunity to network as much as possible. You have a big job ahead of you as you start your farm, including many hours of marketing. Having a network already established can be the stepping stone you need to go from beginning farmer to successful farmer quickly.

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